Mapungubwe - place of the stone of wisdom

Continent or ocean

The Mapungubwe National Park is located in the South African province of Limpopo. In addition to the biodiversity typical of Africa, archaeological sites have considerably expanded the level of archeological knowledge of the development of this region. The Mapungubwe Hill, which at first glance seems inconspicuous, turns out e.g. on closer inspection than the hilltop that was populated around 1000 years ago.

Royal tombs were found here and it is believed that "up" lived between 1030 and 1290 the kings and soldiers of the Mapungubwe Empire, who were fed by the 3,000 to 5,000 farmers and hunters living at the foot of the elevation - the earliest class society in southern Africa .

In the covered showroom at the foot of the hill, the park guides show aspects of the historical development of this place. They are armed and protect against possible predator attacks. Findings made of porcelain, ivory, copper and gold indicate e.g. for a lively trade already with the African east coast.

A special artifact from this era is the "Golden Rhinoceros" whose replica can be admired in the Musina Museum.

Picture 1: Ascent to Mapungubwe hill
Picture 2: The covered information center
Picture 3: Ascent to Mapungubwe hill
Picture 4: Ascent to Mapungubwe hill
Picture 5: On the Mapungubwe hill
Picture 6: Hewn rocks
Picture 7: On the Mapungubwe hill
Picture 8: The landscape at the foot of the Mapungubwe hill
Picture 9: Descent from Mapungubwe hill