Art city Düsseldorf: Excursion to the NFTs of the crypto world

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When it comes to art in Europe, the state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia, the art city of Düsseldorf, almost inevitably plays a role. And that doesn't just have to do with the great contemporary artists such as Beuys, Immendorf and Lüppertz, the well-known professors of the Düsseldorf Art Academy, which was founded in the 18th century.

In the 19th century, important artistic impulses came particularly from Wilhelm von Schadow's Düsseldorf painting school and ... so it is not surprising that the Düsseldorf Cultural Office supported the innovative art tradition with the initiative "The Short Service Route - The Knowledge Format for Artists" and shows current developments in the form of seminars.

As part of this series, a visual journey to the NFTs of the crypto world is planned for artists from Düsseldorf on December 5th, 2023. (Maximum number of participants: 25, registration is now open).

The aim of the workshop is to enable artists to accurately assess and, if necessary, use the possibilities of non-fungible tokens (NFT) for their current artistic activities and business models. In addition to the basics of “NFT mining,” the workshop covers methods for safely and securely storing your own NFTs. After a stroll through the various NFT marketplaces with their advantages and disadvantages, the final focus is on creating a virtual gallery to present your own NFTs on WEB 2.0 and/or WEB 3.0. Previous knowledge is not necessary, but helpful.

Impressions from Workshop December 5th, 2023 (Post by the Cultural Office on social media).


Image 1: Art and culture in the crypto, digital and fiat worlds