There is no alternative to democracy

Continent or ocean

The point seems to have finally been reached where citizens can no longer stand idly by as a few, but very loud, people use the growing annoyance of the affluent society with their fears and worries to realize their bad goals. But the future 2033 must in no way bear even the slightest resemblance to the past 1933, the year in which Paul von Hindenburg appointed the chairman of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party), Adolf Hitler, as Reich Chancellor on January 30th and the dissolution of the Reichstag - this is how the Nazi dictatorship began and quickly destroyed the Weimar Republic, the first parliamentary democracy in Germany (1918 - 1933).

However, what happened in Germany at this point was the culmination of several years of development to, among other things, implement the NSDAP's 25-point plan of 1921. This was already announced as a party program when the DAP (German Workers' Party) was renamed the NSDAP and demanded, among other things:

A Greater German Empire should arise,
the Treaties of Versailles are to be broken,
Jews should be denied German citizenship
An authoritarian state with a politically controlled press and culture should emerge.

However, this program was not drawn up by Hitler but probably by the chairman of the DAP, Anton Drexler, who, fascinated by Hitler's oratory, invited him to join the DAP and ... took over the chairmanship of his party, which was renamed the NSDAP, on December 29th July 1921 to the hitherto rather uninteresting Hitler.

Apart from oratory, up to this point there is hardly any impressive attribute for the original Austrian, who needed many attempts to finally receive German citizenship as a originally stateless person. Perhaps it was his poor spelling or his tendency to mix fantasy and reality that made his exams difficult. Joachim C. Fest reads it like this: "... that Hitler, with his individual characteristics, can only mobilize our interest with difficulty: the person remains strangely pale and expressionless over the years. Only when he comes into contact with the era does he gain tension and fascination."

Anyone who feels safe in the current German democracy because at best only expressionless "would-be leaders" can be seen should direct their attention to the era before 1933, because here we can already see many similarities to the current situation in Germany and other countries, too.

Before 1933 we find the "double social declassification of broad sections of society through inflation and the global economic crisis, the weakness of the democratic tradition in Germany, the horrors of the communist threat of revolution, the war experience and the miscalculations of a conservatism that has become insecure; finally, the widespread fears in the transition from a familiar to a new, still uncertain order: all of this is overshadowed by the desire to find simple solutions to the inscrutable, complex causes of discontent and to take refuge from all the irritations that the era caused in the protection of an authority that has remained." (Joachim C. Fest, Hitler der Aufsieg, Ullstein 1976, S.23).

The similarities to today are obvious. Trust in politics and politicians has dwindled to the same extent that, on the one hand, dishonorable behavior within this group of politicians (illegally acquired titles, embellished or even fake CVs, nepotism...) now remains without consequences and, on the other hand, citizens are required to be willing to change that you are not prepared to provide yourself (combustion cars and gas heaters for politicians, but heat pumps and expensive electric cars for the population.) - just drink wine and preach water. The already rather low level of support for this development path is further hampered by media such as Bildzeitung and Spiegel, whose almost continuously irresponsible reporting seems to be aimed primarily at "creating and reinforcing fears" and thus only at higher readership rates.

This is all the more unfortunate because the path to environmentally friendly energy consumption obviously urgently needs the building blocks of heat pumps and e-mobility!

Add to that economic difficulties, a lack of understanding of the government's published spending, while things look sad in your own wallet. ... this is the suitable breeding ground for mobilizing entire population groups, for example in order to cause further needle pricks in the already heated atmosphere through social strikes. Even if you certainly understand the behavier of individual professional groups, you inevitably think of the rural people's movement in Schleswig-Holstein at that time, which was initially a competitor to the NSDAP due to their ideological similarity. But when this rural people movement finally collapsed, most of its supporters switched to the NSDAP. Today, a memorial commemorates the Husum-Schwesing concentration camp and the atrocities committed there by the concentration camp guards (pictures 9 and 10).

In addition to the ongoing “agriculture” problems, society currently also has to shoulder the dwindling trust in previously reliable means of transport such as trains and air travel. Anyone who now observes the development of the M2 and M3 money supply in the EU and sees the current wars must realize that while one world power is already led by a wanted criminal, while in the USA in particular a liar and fraudster has the best chance, to become president of the "NATO protecting power" again, he will quickly become a victim of the simple explanations and solutions that local parties with fascist ingredients offer. And these people have increasingly free rein, because contemporary witnesses of the NSDAP era and their children who could pass on traditional knowledge are inevitably becoming fewer and fewer and i.e. the meaning of the term Auschwitz is already fading in school circles.

It is all the more gratifying that more and more people in the current demonstrations (Eitorf, January 23, 2024, pictures 1 - 8) are not being influenced by the above, but are instead taking a democratic and people-friendly path. I'm happy to go along with this and hope that everyone else overcomes their doubts and doesn't let the misconduct and failure of politicians stop them from taking part in the solutions for our future and the future of the young generation, rather than nationally and globally to follow acting rat catchers with their simple explanations.

Picture 1: Life is colorful
Picture 2: Diversity instead of simplicity
Picture 3: Against old poison in old bottles
Picture 4: Hate is not an alternative
Picture 5: Heart instead of rush
Picture 7: Hate makes you ugly
Picture 8: There is no alternative to democracy