NFT 023: Saint Stanislaus Cathedral in Vilnius

NFT project:
100 photos | 100 countries and regions | 100 NFTs

From the 16th century onwards, Italian master builders created numerous baroque buildings in Vilnius, whose old town is one of the most impressive in Eastern Europe and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994. The more than 50 churches in Vilnius even led to the nickname “Rome of the East”.

It's hard to keep track of everything on a photo tour of Vilnius and you constantly see interesting buildings that weren't actually on your to-photograph list.

A special church is the Saint Stanislaus Cathedral with its detached tower. The subject is not as easy to photograph as it seems when looking at the photo. The rather short distance to the building complex from the opposite side of the street requires a wide angle, but then the lines tilt slightly and give the entire building ensemble a falling and distorted impression.

With Adobe Lightroom, the difficult geometry can be corrected later, as long as you don't forget to leave enough space around the building when taking the photo.


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