Saltstraumen, the world's strongest tidal current

Continent or ocean

Near the Norwegian town of Bodø you can see one of Norway's most spectacular natural spectacles: Saltstraumen, the strongest tidal current in the world between Saltenfjord and Skjerstadfjord. Through the 3 km long but only 150 meter wide sund, the tides push around 400 million cubic meters of water within the six hour tide - sometimes back and forth. The water masses reach speeds of almost 40 km/h - twice as fast as a top marathon runner. In between, the river lies still, almost like a lake, until the tide turns up again.

From the bridge that spans the sound, you can see the whirlpools, up to 10 m in size, created by the current.

The weather was mixed when we visited Saltstraumen, but Beate, the friendly owner of our accommodation let us know in time for the blue hour that the setting sun was leaving Saltstraumen with a magnificent play of colors. So I took out the camera and tripod again and went to the Saltstromen to capture the evening lighting atmosphere.


Picture 1: The bridge over the Saltstraumen at blue hour
Picture 2: Whirlpool in Saltstraumen
Picture 3: Whirlpool in Saltstraumen
Picture 4: Photo project at Saltstraumen
Picture 5: Lighthouse at Saltstraumen
Picture 6: Lighthouse at Saltstraumen
Picture 7: Fishing hut at Saltstraumen
Picture 8: Village at Saltstraumen at nightfall
Video: The Saltstraumen, the strongest tidal current in the world.